Littul kuffee
In Wieert there's a harbor, they call it the bassin, it is very near to the knaal.
The shipjes they go there, al es ut hieel slecht waer, they don't speak the Wiee-ieerter taal.
And als they gaon zoeepe, of vröllie gaon foeepe, then hoove they not wiet te gaon.
they motten then keeze, there's nothing the vreeze, they can not long stil blieeve staon.
There in that little cafe in the harbor,
there are the people alone on the plee.
There in that little cafe in the harbor,
there is a dog, but he is not so bli-j.
But es ut then winter, the knaal he is frozen, and iees ligtj d'r then oppe knaal.
Then is ut not busy, in ut small cafeeke, it is un very sad verhaal.
Mer is it then sunny, then waere ze funny, then zeeje ze everywhere.
Then wille ze stappe, and fishes gaon happe, they throw it direct in the air.